Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Below we have Erik Grimm, Myself and Dr. Les the magic chiro. Oh, and the swim helmet, which Bree has asked to wear during our swim next week in Texas.......

Wednesdays' box scores:
swim= 0 pain

bike = 0 pain

run= pain score of 3.

Wednesday I felt freedom. I ran for thirty minutes on the road. Pain score of 3. Lowest pain score while running, almost 2 weeks to the date of my crash. Faster than E pace. I have to remember to keep loose. Let my upper body rotate.

This is going to happen and I am not going to be afraid to make the reach.

Don't forget that it is never truly over until you hit the wall. And I am coming down the final 25 yards.

The funniest things are happening as I slowly return to the roads. I am riding with my powermeter but I am not looking at it. I am running with my Garmin but not looking at that either. When I am done and they are loaded..... I am in the right zone and the right pace. Most importantly I am back in my heart.

That's where this all began, didn't it?

The other day I was telling rr about a dream I had. She and I were in Kona and we met at Starbucks. You know the one on the way to the queen K? I had flown to Kona from Rochester NY (because I can just do something like that....) to bring her a LuluLemon bag that I thought she would like. I recall telling her that the bag was definitely bigger than her shorts..... and I remember her telling me to have patience. To look within myself, that's where I will find what I need.

Every day is a better day. Every step is a new opportunity. Every moment is a new moment. Just Iike I discovered at Ironman Florida in 2007..... the one who has to believe in me...... is me.

And I do.

I shipped my bike to Austin yesterday after a two hour ride and a kiss goodbye. I would like to proudly say that it weighed 52 pounds and cost $53 to ship. So our six bikes are on our way and in a week we shall be too.

Hook em Horns!


Marit C-L said...

Hooray! This makes me SO happy to hear!

rr said...

I am so much wiser in your dreams than I am in real life. sigh.

Glad the pain is low.. you will be fine by race day! Keep that patience up..

Missy said...

I'm so glad you are going to be able to race! You will have a blast!

I went to that Starbucks; they had those Starbucks gift cards with hula girls on them! Now I have the coolest Starbucks card in VA!

cat. said...

hey mary. i read your blog all the time and i relate to so much of it. THANK YOU.

i read this as someone's "status update" today on facebook (lisa roo ... do you read her blog?)

anyway, i thought it was brilliant and it made me think of you.

"Lisa Thompson is recovering from a trainer ride in the garage with the dryer on in order to try to simulate the heat/humidity in Austin."


keep healing and kickin' arse!


BreeWee said...

Oh Mary you crack me up! You are hilarious in that thing.
GLAD you are getting better every day... almost show time sista!