Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fertilizing the Lawn

I don't know what happened this morning. It started out innocently enough. I arrived at Papa Jack's 15 minutes late because I forgot where I put my keys.... how about on the key hook where you always put them honey..... and the morning was perfect. But it was cold. Last week it felt like Africa and this week.... Western New York! Imagine that!

Things started just fine, our typical 2:5 run that I have dragged her into. The first 75 minutes nice and easy and then we'd get to work.

10 minutes into it Sarah groaned about the same time I said "This might be an interesting day." She looked at me and I knew it. Today would get uglier before it got prettier.

We made our first loop and stopped back at the car. I had to hit my normal spot in the weeds and she ran into her apartment. I noticed my GI system feeling a little bit.... oh we could say sensitive today. No big deal.

We got running again.

30 minutes later we were dropping trou again. The pace picked up. The faster I ran the worse my colon felt. "I think I might shit myself!" I told her, of course this was funny when it was happening to someone else, and they were in a race, but here we were ... not in a race.... wondering where would be the best place for the next deposit.

We completely fell off pace somewhere around 1:40 after our third to last pit stop. And it wasn't all me. At one point in the midst of a snot rocket Sarah screamed out "This is the pissiest shittiest snottiest long run we have ever done!"

I almost collapsed right there. But I had to hit the woods again instead.

I don't know what it was. It was the day that my colon just wasn't. Things happen. Shit happens (hee heeee heee). I changed nothing, nothing new, nothing different... it just happens. We did the best with what we were dealt today.

At one point we were actually running our pace and I announced to Sarah "This is the edge." She pointed to the sky and the most magnificent cloud I had ever seen. It must have been 2 miles long and it looked.... like the edge..... almost like the wave of the ocean.

Last week one of my yoga students asked me "If you are to the point where you have to hold a street sign to stand up... don't you think you've gone too far?"

"Definitely." I told him. How would I know where that edge was unless I dared to step over it every now and then? I would always wonder, how far can I go? In doing that there are risks. Absolutely.

Today was the result of accumulation, not the actual run itself. The accumulation of where I am in training. I know when I start to dance on that edge what will happen. I am dancing on it now. I might hold up and I might not.

But you'd better believe I am along for the ride.


Marit C-L said...

Whenever I read about you or anyone shitting themselves, I think of Pensacola Ryan. I know, I know - it's awful. And then - I recall his story about crossing the finish line at IM Florida and upon hearing Mike Reilley call his name, wondering (outloud) "God is that you?"

Perhaps you had some of the Allmighty on your run today.

I tell you what - this would be GREAT prep for IM CDA in "09. Remember my Mary Mantra: 1-0-4-3 IM-CDA!

hee hee hee.

Mnowac said...

wooohooo I hate those runs. I have such a funked up GI, I am lucky that I have never shit myself. I came veryyyy close the other day. What an awful feeling.

Ryan said...

GAWD! You are so HAWT!!!!!

Are you purposefully flirting with me?

If you would have even mentioned the words "Carbon Fiber" or "Aero" I would have printed this out and given to my wife as an example of "Adult Talk."

Imodium should come in gel packs like Gu so I can store them in my fuel belt.

Thanks Marit for thinking of me anytime you hear about self defecation, Wow! I'm Famous!