Friday, August 31, 2007

Day Four Arrives.... Quietly

It's 5:30 am and I swear to god that the best coffee on earth is here in Germany. From posh posh cofee palace to corner cofee joint, each cup is brewed fresh, espresso style. No caraffes. This may change the way I make coffee! And the croissants..... Sarah Lee is a LIE!!!!

Coffee and croissants... two words that could have brought me to Europe much, much sooner.
The street outside is quiet, finally. Weekend traffic is light! This morning we attempt the bike course, again. And with the streets being closed to traffic for the Citizen's Race, we just might actually get it right.
Germany is very easy to navigate. Very easy to communicate. It takes the memorization of 10 words and the attempt to try to say them. It takes an understanding of a subway system, it is very easy as long as you know where you are going.

Here's to day four!
:-) Mary

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