Sunday, September 9, 2007

Circus Dreams

At least my dream of being a circus performer is still alive. Now if Barnum and Bailey have room for a Bicycle Acrobat, I will have to audition. Today I might have won the gold medal for aerial impressions on a P2C. Yes, I definitely would have.

On my way up to the Lake Ontario State Parkway in pouring rain I realized I had forgotten my Ergomo. The main piece I needed for this 4.5 hour Ironman Paced / Tempo Paces ride. Reluctantly I turned around and decided to ride from home, as I had wasted too much time already this fine rainy morning. My husband had granted me the morning and I needed to get going. The rain didn't bother me at all. As long as it is above 55 degrees I can ride in it. The ride would be hillier but I could adjust.

Hour one went well, kept at my goal wattage, and adjusted to the hills. It was during the first interval where for the first time in my life the hills became frustrating. I was looking for the steady state effort, the continuous pedaling the continuous aero position, the continuous gear. One of my goals during today's long ride was to memorize the feeling of Ironman Pace. To close my eyes (not literally) and know where I was at. To know that feeling is priceless. There is no guarantee my Ergomo won't die on race day and I want to know the feeling of this focus.

As I neared the 2 hour mark, I began to contemplate coming home to finish the final 2 intervals on the computrainer. While the rain was not bothersome, the hills were. Now I am a climber and that sounds strange even to me. On the computrainer I can still use the Ergomo and have a quality control workout. Having something to do, something to focus on, I can ride 5 hours without a problem on the trainer.

As I was having this internal debate I was riding along a road I always ride on. The shoulders are about 2 feet wide and I was as right as right could be. Along the left of me a traditional car was driving down its traditional path. I had plenty of room. Looking up I saw a van coming in the opposite direction. It was then that I noticed a third car, trying to overtake the car that was overtaking me, heading right for the van coming in the opposite direction.

Maybe it is my experience as an emergency nurse, I don't know, I don't panic in these situations. People have died in my arms and I can keep my cool, until the moment it is declared done.

As the third car began to overtake the first car, the car swerved over into my "lane". It was car, and then guardrail, and I saw my path evaporate. Quickly I looked over the guardrail and I took aim.

One of my training partners Bill, always mocks me for "jumping" my bike over cracks in the road, etc. He calls the bunny hops. But I can jump my light P2C without any difficulty. I always joked I could be a bike hurdler. Those jumping skills saved me today.

I looked past the guardrail and took my best bunny hop. My right thigh hit the guardrail and I rolled right over it (traveling at about 25 mph myself) I remember tucking my head, rounding my shoulders, landing right on the back of my shoulders, below my neck, the pump I had been carrying in my middle rear pocket jammed into my back. Somehow I rolled or flipped or performed a triple axle.... and landed in a ditch with water in it, that ran parallel to the road.

The wind knocked out of me, I looked up, right foot still clipped in. Bike laying across me. I stayed still and took inventory. I can breathe. I can wiggle my fingers and toes. I don't think I hit my head.

Everything appeared to be fine. I proceeded with caution as I know how adrenaline can mask injuries. The bike was okay. I seemed okay.

THANK YOU GOD.... AND THANK YOU GOD FOR THE RAIN TODAY! When you crash in rain rather than sticking you slide. I walked away from this completely unscathed, but feeling tremendous gratitude.

I am alive.

Because I was so shaky, I did ride home, and stop the ride early. Proceeding through the day I am more sore but I don't believe I have injured anything. And while I might have been short on training hours today, I am alive.

And I am one step closer to that circus career!

:-) Mary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geez!!!! What a weekend for riders and cars. Glad you are OK, Mary!