Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am graduating on Friday! And then I am planning on graduating this same weekend in three more years! So write it down on your calendar.... it will be then I venture with the boys to the sun and the surf.

It's been a great week. I am still on easy street with training, and soaking up every second of it. I am going easy like it's my job and learning that it is my attention to detail about myself that holds me back. Details, I am told. Details.

Okay then. Details.

I am back in the weight room even. I finally found a coach who will let me do some. Let me? Try make me. It's pretty much agreed that weight training will not make you faster. Swimming biking and running will make you a faster triathlete. Weight training for those under 50 for men and 40 for women, can do a lot to hinder you in fact. So you do it carefully, planned and do the moves you are told to do.

I love the program. It's short, it gets me in and out. It's not easy. We all know that weight training trains the same system whether you lift heavy or lift light. High reps and low weights do the same thing high reps and low weights do. The weight training I am doing is somewhat different, it's a progression and it's fun. Kind of like a game of golf and you gotta beat the score.

I dig games. :-)

But I am the kind of athlete who listens. I don't buck when told to go easy. I become the queen of it. I know hard is right around the corner. And so is nutrition.

"The party's almost over." Warned Jesse last night over the phone. So I had a brownie, it doesn't count that it's organic, does it?

I am ready for the party to be over. Tell me what to do, eat and when to breathe. Damn the Navy may have never realized what they lost when they lost me. (another story for another time).

Until then, I have a run to run, yoga to teach, a little guy to get to school and pick up, Cracker Barrel to eat at with my parents and my family....... and I have a great big stage to walk across tomorrow and a hat to toss into the air.

With a theatre full of nurses however, I can't imagine we will be throwing the hats. EYE INJURY!


Damie said...

eggers! congrats on graduation...i am proud of you!

Jennifer Harrison said...

GLAD you are enjoying the new training and lifting, mary!!! Sounds great!

Marit C-L said...

CONGRATULATIONS Mary!!!! Yippeeee! :) Enjoy your weekend and jump for joy when you walk across that stage. Well - maybe not physically jump for joy... you get my drift. I'll raise my coffee cup and toast you! Hooray!

PJ said...

Congrats, Mary!