Friday, January 9, 2009


Another random picture..... Travis Earley, Myself and Carl Johnston. I posted this because the next time I see Johnston he is going to whine that I put a picture of Grimm up and not of him. Johnston INVENTED middle child syndrome.....he's my spellchecker I am sure of it!

Juice Cleanse.... done. Feeling.... mighty awesome. Mighty awesome indeed. If there was ever a day I was going to snap (did I not say this before) it would have been Thursday, the final day. I was the Charge Nurse in pediatric Emergency with a full house, children in the waiting room, down a nurse, and surrounded by girl scout cookies.

And I did not... for the record.... cave in.

The greatest thing was..... I looked at my beloved Thin Mints. The... place me in the freezer and if you don't eat the whole row you don't even deserve to have one.... yes, those Thin Mints. I looked at them and I thought.... at midnight.... I could have one.

But I didn't want one.

That's where the beauty of all of this lies. The Thin Mints didn't call to me, speak to me, even frozen they didn't make eye contact. I relished instead in the feeling of feeling so good.... and this is why I do it.

I will say this. At about 11pm or thereabouts I was fried. It was a horrid night. And since I was in bed Monday night at 9pm and it had effectively been 72 PLUS hours since the cleanse began..... I got myself some good whole grain cereal and I had myself a bowl of it.

With milk even. It tasted really good, yet heavy on the stomach.

This morning I felt good in swim practice as I am adjusting back to the daily routine. I am craving fruits and veggies, and carefully adding in small amounts of carbs and protein. Did I mention how great I feel???? I feel clean, and I am not talking about my GI tract. There was no shit**g my brains out. All plumbing has been functioning normally.

So this trend shall continue, this primal eating movement I have been on. I am very happy about it, I feel like this accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. I am fueling my body with the best possible fuel and for me... not for everyone.... that does not involve Thin Mints.

Now tonight's big task: how to eat primally at Chuck. E Cheese.

I just might go completely pure and raw and bring myself a bottle of Absolut.


TriGirl Kate O said...

Don't forget the hand sanitizer. Chuck E. Cheese = germs, LOTS of germs.

Laura said...

Mary, I must have missed it, but you drink water during this cleanse, right?

Eileen Swanson said...

Keep up the great cleansing! Chuck E Cheese is such great birth control for Reid and I ;-) We took our nephew there and just about passed out at the greasy smell. But as kids, we LOVED it! Have fun!