Sunday, February 1, 2009


This picture is from a poster that hangs in my chiropractor's office. The saying that goes with it is something to the effect of: "what you see above the surface is not always reflective of what's underneath." something like that! It's a fake picture by the way....

Another tooth was lost on Saturday morning, which meant the tooth fairy likely would be bringing another crisp dollar bill to the pillow underworld. If you are on Face Book you may have heard that I nearly was caught red handed two weeks ago. After careful inspection to make sure Lucster was asleep, I slid my hand underneath the pillow. As I was sliding it underneath again to place the dollar bill he awoke from a sound sleep and cried....


To which I replied..... "Who.... ME?" as if there was anyone else in the room. In fact.... it was the same thing I said when Curt proposed..... but that's another story.

As I told him I was just checking, he very sternly told me that the tooth was his, not mine.

As I held the tooth in hand I realized I had a shot at redemption.

Luc went downstairs and brought up his growing money pot.

"Mom..." he said to me.... "When you die I am going to go get myself a girl. When she's my girlfriend I will go to college to become a scientist, because I want to build roller coasters. When I am done with college I will buy a Honda and take my girl to Chuck E Cheese. Then I will marry her."

I reminded him that he could do that before I died..... but he told me not to worry. "I will be fine." He said.

Just to see.... I asked him what he would do if someone tried to get in his way.

"I will just kick them out of the way." He said so matter of factly. Then he added...."I won't really kick them though."

When I asked him why he would build roller coasters he said "Because it would be fun."

Imagine that, I thought. He's got the right idea already. Doing something you love because it's fun. Now my job is to preserve that spirit from all the idiots who claim they are attempting to help and guide him..... which is code word for controlling and conforming him......

Each of us had that spirit, and each of us still posses that spirit. It's how we choose to get around the rules and the regulations and the bureaucracy of tape that tries to hold us back.

Why can't we live the life of our dreams? Right now I can say that I am. Right now I cam doing absolutely everything I love to do. The only thing I don't enjoy is school. Yet that shall lead way to something bigger and brighter and warmer.... so those are the dues right now.... that I have to pay.

"Mom..." Luc said to me as he finished the story... "Me and my girl, when we get married.... we will live happily ever after." and he leaned in close... "Because we can.

I realize that I am not going to be able to shield him and protect him from all of it, but I can teach him how to handle it all while trying to keep his spirit intact. I am teaching him the Four Agreements, I have been for a while.

When I think of the spirit inside of me, I have to say that right this very minute it feels bigger and brighter than ever. It feels intact, it feels like it has momentum. It dreams, it brings me through moments with a smile.

Luc makes me dream my own dreams. What I dream of for myself, for our family and for our world. A better place. A lifetime of memories. An adventure is about to begin.... just five more semesters. Hold on guys, get your surfboards, your snowboards and clear out your heart... because in five small semesters it will begin.


Marit C-L said...

What can I say Mary? Luc is one of the best teachers out there; I always learn so much from the two of you. Thanks! Love to you both (and Curt. And the puppy!)

Jennifer Cunnane said...

That's is so great that he is free-spirited and pursuing at a young age what is important to him and not others. Can't wait to see what you are up to next!

Anonymous said...

I love Luc, he's the best. Is Evalee to young for him?