Person of the Year
Time magazine announced that I am person of the year for 2006. I have always wanted to be person of the year, but for other reasons than they happen to outline.
I don't want to be person of the year because I work hard. I don't want to be person of the year because I won a race, or overcame something within my life.
I want to be person of the year privately, and anonymously for the things that I try to do to help the world become a better place. I don't want public accolades for being named person of the year. I just want to sit back with my morning cup of java, and see that something I have done has helped to make some one's life better, but I don't want that person to know it.
Oprah used to call them Random Acts of Kindness. Perhaps she still does. Whatever you'd like to call them I do them every single day. Nothing brings me out of myself and my ego faster than doings something for the sake of just doing it.
Are we so motivated by outside influences, attention, accolades, that unless we get something in return, we will not give?
I challenge you to give it a try. Today do something unannounced, unnoticed, small enough to be just that but big enough to make some else's day a better one. See how it makes you feel. Notice that making someone else's day a bit brighter, in turn makes your own inner light begin to shine more brightly. And it feels good to do something for someone else, without all that is attached.
:-) Mary Eggers
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