Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mary's Cup of Bliss

This morning I actually have pity for all of you. Men and women. Because today you are not married to me. It's really your loss. Because for the third day in a row I have brewed the most amazing pot of coffee.... I have nailed the perfect blend of bean, water, brew time. I got it right. After years of tinkering, experimenting with bean, water, brew time. Perfection. Imagine being the lucky one to call themselves my spouse, coming into the house after your own morning workout only to be greeted with Mary's blend of bliss. Wow, that's an enviable place. Right Curt?

Three days ago it all came together. And for three days in a row I have gotten it right.

This morning I first thought it was because I had rose at 3:15 am to begin a 90 minute sweet spot ride beginning at 3:45. Perhaps it was fatigue that was making anything taste good. But if you know me you know I love coffee and you know how much pride I take in the perfect cup.

The ride began and the intervals felt good. They felt a good kind of hard. It was the exact same workout I had done on Tuesday but for some reason today it clicked in all the right places. I had specific parameters to uphold and I did it. The same happened on Tuesday and the same thing happened in my run. Click, Click, Click. I had insurmountable focus, unexplainable passion, undeniable hunger.

It is making me nervous that I have found this laser lock focus. When is the honeymoon going to end? I should not be feeling so good just 4 weeks after an Ironman. And I definitely should not be ADMITTING it.

I can't help it. When things begin to come together it excites you. You begin to wonder if all the flops, stalls, stumbles. If all that will come down to one magical day. You wonder if all the previous blends of bean and water and brew time.... they all came down to the perfect pot. Stranger still is that I have replicated it three times.

More frightening even than that i that I have felt good. I have felt strong, I have felt focused. I have felt motivated. Over and over again.

The bad workouts are coming. That's inevitable. We can not appreciate the good without the bad. We can't appreciate the dark roast perfection without the coffee that tastes like rot. You have to savor these good moments because when the bad ones come, these good memories are what keep you striving for more.

So it's really quite simple. Take it for what it is worth, but stamp each lesson in your mind. The good days will be there, the bad pots of dark roast will arrive. We have to roll with those punches and relax with what is.

And enjoy a cup of perfection while it is here!

:-) Mary Eggers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still am in SHOCK when you mention you wake up at 3:15am! All these years, I have never done! Glad your coffee and w/o went great today!
Jen :)