Monday, February 12, 2007

Looking to the Horizon

When you wake up in the morning, what goes through your mind? Possibility, or defeat? When you look in the mirror, what do you see,? Agony or potential? What emotions travel along with those scenarios and those words? Tap into those statements, see what they bring up for you.

Wake up in the morning with thoughts of defeat and agony and spend your whole day there. Look into the mirror and cursing a body you hate, and you will live with that body the rest of your life.

Wake up in the morning and believe there is a world of possibility... and there will be. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you look strong today..... and you will be. But you must believe it, else you never will believe it.

Spending your day with people, notice their energy. You gravitate towards the one who share your energy, don't you? A pessimist finds a pessimist, an optimist finds an optimist. A pessimist attacks an optimist. It's an interesting phenomenon.

Find your own resistance, whether it be physical or emotional. Acknowledge it, fact it, respect it. If today is the day to honor and step back from it then do so. If today is the day to live alongside it, then do so. But if today is the day to step a rung higher and move past it, then do it. Resistance is opportunity in disguise.

Find your own possibility whether it be in work, in family, in life. Seek out the potential within yourself and let it blossom. Tear down the walls that have surrounded your castle for so long. Empty the moat that has prevented you from getting close to yourself. Be exposed. Expose yourself, to you.

Look to the horizon and see that every single day is full of potential, possibility. It is a brand new day. yours to mold, yours to create, yours to shape. Depending on your energy, your resistance, and your willingness to be exposed...... it can be a day that shapes up any way you want it to.

So look to the horizon, let it begin right there.

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