weekend at placid part 6
I'm a touch under the weather, but the Train-This gang.... plus some..... is headed to Lake Placid for our annual training camp. This year we moved it back a month as Lake Placid is a bit cooler and we want the option to swim in Mirror Lake!
I love this town. I don't know what it is but there is something about Placid that is healing, inspiring and amazing to me. The mountains, the people, the people I get to be there with at any given moment just fills me up like you would not believe.
If you were round these parts last year you remember that my departure from Lake Placid is something I do not remember very well, my fifth Ironman turned out to be my first DNF and some frightening medical issues surfaced in the month right after... that were actually happening all along.....
So I have some healing to do in the mountains. I have some questions to answer for the 2010 adventure. I have some fresh air to breathe, some laughter to laugh and a lot of miles to train.
We have an amazing group of athletes attending camp this year. for three days we will swim bike and run. We will have some swim clinic time, some taping, some good food, and a lot of laughter.
So we are signing off for the weekend, full update on Monday!
Missing being in Placid already!
Safe travels! Will miss you on Saturday at Breathe but will send the good healing karma your way. Enjoy your gang and beautiful Lake Placid. Namaste!
Have a great trip Mary and a great camp!! Enjoy!
Oh piss, just what I needed, a lake Placid post... bummed to miss you there and bummed to miss your camp! You could have me all set to go! Ahhh, but the season has been rough so I understand missing out...
Enjoy it all!
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