Wednesday, August 20, 2008

mary has a bad day

"Amy Mo!" (she's on the LEFT)...and I in May at the Weekend at Placid Training Camp, I know..... is it really possible that I am really this pretty? Yes..... yes it actually is!

Stop the presses, put down the java, and please sit down.

I had a bad day Wednesday.

Yes, the queen of sunshine positivity..... allowed herself to slide under the proverbial bus. Not the real bus. The pretend bus. Serves her right, damn positive all the time..... ha ha!

I won't go into details because who wants to read my daily regimen? It's boring. I will say that I had a fever, I felt like ass and I had to something I hate to do..... I had to move around some workouts.


I know, I know.

Since working with Coach T he's got me sold on a basic week. Think of it as the framework and while the framework doesn't change much, sometimes what's inside does. Mondays are always active recovery. Tuesdays are always long runs, Wed sweet spot rides..... yes there is more but that's the jist. I know that every Tuesday morning I am running long, and the focus of the workout changes. I know every Wed I am riding hard and longer.

Stability gives me comfort. My body also knows what is coming. And I hate to move things around. But this week it was a must. Even with a fever I managed a 30 min spin and a 30 min run. Don't call me a hero because that likely shouldn't have been done at all. But you know us tripe type A athletes, we like to "be as productive as possible."

So things get moved..... big freaking deal. Life happens.

Not only did I have a fever of 103..... I knew I'd have to see the doctor if I didn't get it down quick. I submerged myself in the Lake and got it to 102. Because we all know that cool water will cure the source....... and if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you......

While at the Lake my friend Claudia told me about how great the weather in August was..... In Hawaii.... form where she just returned. I was convinced she was a RR plant. Not that I am complaining.

On the way home I realized that every single road around my house, every road to the main road had a sign on it that read..... FRESH OIL ... LOOSE STONE. Didn't we just have a conversation about this?????

Son of a gun they surrounded me with it. Except.... where's the Fresh Oil? All I see is loose stone!!!

Making matters worse I received the bill for my big ambulance ride at Ironman Lake Placid. What's more expensive than the race? The $579 ride back to town. Next time I won't ride through town, oh wait, I retired from Ironman. Next time won't happen. I won't get hit again!

It was a bill because I neglected to update my insurance information. We have completely new insurance. I remember laughing at my medial card..... what
Lo-SER needs to update this?

This LO-SER apparently.

Another look outside the window and there is still just loose stone.

Onto my computer and I see Michael Phelps is rumored to be dating AMANDA BEARD. A closer look revealed this was just a rumor, but not before I decided it was for sure my time to get struck by lightening.
In the grand scheme of life..... this bad day is pretty mild. Believe me, I had had days much much worse. So what shall we do? We get back up tomorrow and continue on. Wallowing in the loss of today is pointless. Besides..... I made some shifts and it all fits in. BFD.
Time for a lot of sleep. And a lot of Tylenol!


Trigirlpink said...

You should have called me. We could see whose day REALLY was the worst.
I'm in rare form today still muttering and moping around over a poor race performance. Like the world really cares! HA!

Feel better!! My throat hurts today too. ick.....

Missy said...

So weird because I've been feeling it too. Steve races and I get the post race blahs and blues. I didn't even train at all yesterday and that after having Sunday and Monday off as well. Totally not like me to skip days either but I seem to have no energy.
Take care of yourself so that you snap right back!

Bruce Stewart (施樸樂) (ブルース・スチュワート) said...

GEt well soon! I had a bad cold all day today, but I still did my swim this morning and did not feel any worse for it. Maybe the colds/fever are going round at the moment.

PJ said...

Feel better soon!

I've been sick since Monday as well. I'm trying to pretend I'm not cranky about it but it's not working. Sounds like everyone is having one of those weeks....