Tuesday, April 3, 2007

You Know You Are Training for the Ironman When...

There are things that happen to me when I begin to dip into my long Ironman training weeks. First and foremost I get really, really stupid. I forget things mid sentence and I search for my keys about 12 times per day. Here are just a few of the idiot things I have done this month....

I showed up for dinner at Jill's a week early and then on the date I was supposed to show up, I completely forgot.

I forgot to combination to the safe where I put my passport and my airline tickets to Montana. Not only did I create the combination but I use it a few times a month.

I have forgotten most of my user names and passwords.

I could not comprehend how June comes after May.

And how April only has 30 days. Or is it 31?

I have locked myself out of my house 2 times.

I have trouble counting in general. Which sucks when you have a kindergartner who depends on your expertise.

I have begun my laundry 3 times and forgotten I began it, necessitating a second wash to each batch to rid my clothing of "washer stink".

I begin a conversation with Bill after the race on Sunday that I continue with Glenn later, with Bill next to me and both looking at me like I am nuts. (Good thing they know I am.)

When I got pulled over for speeding and the cop asked me how old I was, I told him "30-34 sir." (he let me go...)

The institution of an organizational system has been mandated by my husband. I have been told that if I lose my way home he is not helping me. On the other hand he thinks this is hilarious. It's happened before and friends..... it is going to last until November. So be warned. Be prepared.

I am on a permanent 7 second delay. If you tell me something important past running mile 11 please email it to me later. And don't worry, I find it funny too.

That's the road we travel as we head towards the land of Iron. And I am so excited to be on this path. Come rain shine, or one last blast of snow as we are expecting tomorrow..... I don't' care bring all of it. I am so lucky to be able to say I am healthy. I am so lucky to state that I am happy.

And Carl Johntson, I am so lucky to be able to tell you that I am having immense, immense fun.

:-) Mary Eggers

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