Thursday, April 23, 2009

first day of school

Ergomo now reading my HRM and downloading. Computrainer communication to laptop.... that's the last thing on my list. I feel like I am transferring schools.

Luc and I...... we start our new schools on the same day. We are both sharpening our pencils, buying some new clothes, new sneakers....... sometimes the first day of school gives you the feeling of being able to create on a fresh clean slate.

We both could use a little bit of that right now.

Don't get me wrong.... I have loved having him at home with me. When I finish my Masters in 2 years and we make the leap to that exotic move..... we will likely do it again for a bit. What I realized about being at home with him.... is how much time is wasted in his particular classroom. Hell, maybe all classrooms for that matter.

We get his work done in less than 2 hours. Then we go outside to play. We come to school for speech and OT and while the other kids are sitting in class..... we head over to go miniature golfing.

I kept thinking I was doing something wrong.

But when Luc tested to finally...... finally..... FINALLY be AT grade level for reading.... for so long he's been "just below".... now he's AT and he is beginning to read Harry Potter.

Incredible what a little attention will do for us.

So we've decided on the school. We've thought a lot about it. We will give this until the end of June and reevaluate. It holds a lot of promise.

As for myself I am studying hard. Preparing well. Getting in the easy workouts that will hopefully yield me good baseline test results the first week. I want to impress my teacher and I want to be liked by my classmates. I know I have a lot to learn and I am ready to be taught.

This life is truly what we make of it..... isn't it. We don't often stand at the intersection of possibility and opportunity. And when we do we must take the chance.

If not now..... then when?

1 comment:

GoBigGreen said...

Trust in yourself, and enjoy your "freshman season!"