Thursday, November 20, 2008

beating the blues

It's that time of year when the colds begin, the fevers rise, the flu shots are administered and sooner or later you find yourself feeling like C.R.A.P., under the weather, like a truck has hit you or what I professionally call...... you have the whole schabang (oh no..... did I spell that write? So nervous about my grade here!)

In all honesty, what better time to happen than right now? The off season, the beginning of preparation, if there is going to be a time I am listening to no motivation, feeling tired, achey it is right now.

Last night I went to bed at 6:30pm and I am so glad that I did. It meant missing a run in my running camp but ... there are days when we have to be sick.

I wrote a little diddy last year with my opinion on how to train when sick. Now I just need to listen to it. I suppose I will have to have a small chat with my coach. When things are missed part of me wants to make them up and the other part, the smarter part reminds me to let it go, let things heal, let things get better before they get worse.

Our bodies have a magical way of healing themselves. Medications are nice and important at the right time but really they just support the natural abilities of the body. What supports that better than anything however is not trying to control it, not trying to fight it or beat it, but just allowing nature to take its course.

After all, it is just a viral illness. Just a cold. To me, an annoyance. To some people in this world it is complete devastation, meaning that a cold, could very well kill them.


Trigirlpink said...

Ick Mary. I hope you feel better soon. (hugs) I swear sometimes I could go to bed at 6:30 this time of year not even being sick. It's soooo dark now and the days are so short. It was a balmy 19 degrees this moring. JOY!

GoBigGreen said...

Feel better. And your grade is an...A+++ silly people do silly things, maybe stalker lady has SAD.