Thursday, October 22, 2009


It will be 66 degrees here in Rochester today. That means my bike, my nutrition, myself and five hours. When I first saw 5 hours with a 40 min run afterwards I thought...... coach knows I am training for Clearwater right? That quickly turned into who the hell cares because convincing me to ride for five hours is actually easy. It's like eating a mallowcreme pumpkin (here we go again!) when I am not eating in the core.


I had a bit of a breakthrough yesterday. One workout that I do every few weeks is a 1:40 tempo ride followed by a 40 minute run, and the first mile of that run is tempo. Yesterday I ran that mile 15 seconds faster than I did a few weeks ago. FIFTEEN SECONDS? Geesh. If only my Clearwater run comes together so easily! It felt good however to have that small breakthrough after having been sick. You worry about what you have lost yet forget about all of the work you have put in.

I am excited to see how I can run in Clearwater. Now mind you I am not going to be running some 1:30 1/2 marathon. I am targeting a 1:40, which for me is a really good run. Like I said, I don't consider myself to be one of those girls who "hasn't run in weeks" and throws down a 1:30 off the bike. My run progress has been slow and steady. Which is the way we want it actually.

By nature I am a strong cyclist, I love my wheels. Millions of races have gone by with me owning the fastest bike split and falling apart on the run. This season we've worked to control the bike. Should I run anything slower than a 1:40 in Clearwater then it will tell you that I rode the bike too hard. With that being said we continue to strengthen all three.

The bike in Clearwater can be a difficult thing.... drafting or not that course is flat and smooth and over parts of the ocean and begs you to just ride!

Just a few more weeks and I will be by the ocean. In my small family owned hotel with a pool right next to the ocean and feet from race site. I will have my gear and my books and I will spend more time on a lunge chair than anything. Studying is actually a terrific time occupant before a race. Where I am staying doesn't have fancy, I don't need fancy. I just need a place to sleep.

Okay sun....... as soon as you rise we go.

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