Tuesday, October 20, 2009

back to good

I have a giant training week on hand, and I am finally feeling back to normal. Don't discount the strength that the flu can sap from you. It took a good 2 weeks out of me. You can get pissed about that or you can move on. You can't spend time wishing that time back but instead you have to trust the work you have done. I know the next 3 weeks are pretty critical and to be honest I am very excited to get my butt to Clearwater and ride around in my skivvies.

Things are coming along. I am setting up for a PR in the 70.3 distance. I feel pretty confident about it, and in the grand scheme of things I have no clue where that will land me in terms of placing. I don't really care. One year ago I was having a hard time walking. So this is the celebration of a year and once Clearwater is over..... I have a lot of work ahead of me.

It's hard to be looking at the end of one season as the beginning of the next. As you know we will have an Eggers vs Eggers showdown scheduled for November 2010. My husband does not believe I fully respect the amount of work it will take for me to go sub ten hours in the Ironman, but believe you me..... I do. It will require a hell of amount of work. Sign me up. Because I love my training, my coaching and my team.

It's why I am traveling to Boston in December for run analysis, testing, poking, prodding. I have a lot more body composition to change. We did what we could with this season, I have a lot more to go once November 14th comes and goes.

Between now and then I still have a semester to finish. Four exams to go. A trip to Clearwater and a vacation at Ironman Arizona. I have to be present to where I am right here and right now, stay healthy, keep my head in the game (which for me is so easy!).

Three weeks to go! Sunshine awaits!


Kim said...

im pissed about having the flu :)

cant wait to see you when youre in boston and good luck with jesse's fat pinchers ;)

Trigirlpink said...

You are a smart cookie... I mean
creme pumpkin.

One day at a time!
That is neato you are coming to Boston.