Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Morning

Coach must have known what would happen today when he sent me out to the out and back part of the bike course. I completely calmed down. Maybe it was the quiet, maybe it was the scenery but whatever it was in one breath I felt all doubt, fear and uncertainty disappear. The bike is rocking.

Thursday in Placid.... means check in day!!!! And I promise pictures soon, I forgot my memory card in my camera..... on deck today is a new one!


wiley said...

It's all in the breath!!! Just Breathe, Warrior Woman!!! Mike did a nice job last night altho I miss your calming voice and karma(and tunes during Sun Bs) Spastic w/ belts and dancer pose but it was a fun Wed. nite class as usual. Thinking about you and sending good karma your way!

Meredith said...

Go Mary, go Mary, go..................